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Graduate Management: Graduate Management Research

NRE 5020 - Ph.D. Seminar - Market Microstructure
See sections for start dates.
06:30PM - 09:00PM
SGH 134
08/28/2013 - 12/06/2013
O'Hara,M (mo19)
Saar,G (gs25)
06:30PM - 09:00PM
SGH 134
11/06/2013 - 11/06/2013
O'Hara,M (mo19)
Saar,G (gs25)
06:30PM - 09:00PM
SGH 134
12/04/2013 - 12/04/2013
O'Hara,M (mo19)
Saar,G (gs25)
Add/Drop Dates: Johnson Students: August 12th at 8:00am to September 5th at Noon. Non-Johnson Students: September 5th at 4:00pm to September 11th at 4:00pm. You may add or drop a full semester class after September 11th with permission of the faculty. A late fee of $100.00 will be charged for each add or drop transaction. If you are dropping after October 18th you will also receive a "W" on your transcript in addition to the late fees. Non-Johnson students may add themselves to the waitlists during their enrollment periods, however Johnson Students have priority into the classes and non-Johnsons will be enrolled: 1) IF seats are still available after Johnson students complete their enrollment period and 2) IF the instructor allows.
NRE 5210 - Doctoral Pro Seminar - Marketing
08:40AM - 11:25AM
SGH 135
Rao,V (vrr2)
Add/Drop Dates: Johnson Students: August 12th at 8:00am to September 65h at Noon. Non-Johnson Students: September 5th at 4:00pm to September 11th at 4:00pm. You may add or drop a full semester class after September 11th with permission of the faculty. A late fee of $100.00 will be charged for each add or drop transaction. If you are dropping after October 18th you will also receive a "W" on your transcript in addition to the late fees. Non-Johnson students may add themselves to the waitlists during their enrollment periods, however Johnson Students have priority into the classes and non-Johnsons will be enrolled: 1) IF seats are still available after Johnson students complete their enrollment period and 2) IF the instructor allows.
NRE 5300 - PhD Seminar - Agents, Institutions and Efficiency
Department Consent Required
02:30PM - 05:30PM
Bloomfield,R (rjb9)
Class meets in Room 333 Non-Johnson Students ONLY: August 12th at 8:00am to September 11th at 4:00pm. You may add or drop a full semester class after September 11th with permission of the faculty. A late fee of $100.00 will be charged for each add or drop transaction. If you are dropping after October 18th you will also receive a "W" on your transcript in addition to the late fees.
NRE 5340 - Doctoral Seminar in Behavioral Finance
10/21/2013 - 12/06/2013
02:55PM - 05:40PM
SGH 135
Huang,M (mh375)
Add/Drop Dates: Johnston Students August 12th thru September 11th with an additional Add/Drop period beginning October 21st at 8:00am to October 23rd at 4:00pm. Non-Johnson Students: October 24th at 12noon to October 25th at 4:00pm. You may add or drop a second-half class after October 25th with permission of the faculty. A late fee of $100.00 will be charged for each add or drop transaction. If you are dropping after November 8th you will also receive a "W" on your transcript in addition to the late fees. Non-Johnson students may add themselves to the waitlists during the enrollment periods, however Johnson Students have priority into the classes and non-Johnsons will be enrolled: 1) IF seats are still available after Johnson students complete their enrollment period and 2) IF the instructor allows. Non-Johnson students must see their college registrar regarding policies connected with adding/dropping a second half Johnson School class. A petition may be required.
NRE 5400 - Doctoral Pro Seminar - Management
Department Consent Required
01:00PM - 03:00PM
Dowell,G (gwd39)
O'Connor,K (kmo8)
BY PERMISSION ONLY Non-Johnson Students ONLY: August 12th at 8:00am to September 11th at 4:00pm. You may add or drop a full semester class after September 11th with permission of the faculty. A late fee of $100.00 will be charged for each add or drop transaction. If you are dropping after October 18th you will also receive a "W" on your transcript in addition to the late fees.

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Last Updated: 2014-01-09 21:05:38