Academic Groups
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AEM: Applied Economics & ManagementAGSCI: Agriculture SciencesAIS: American Indian StudiesALS: Agriculture & Life SciencesANSC: Animal ScienceBEE: Biological & Environmental EngBIOAP: Animal Physiology & AnatomyBIOBM: Biochem, Molecular & Cell BioBIOEE: Ecology & Evolutionary BiologyBIOG: Biology: General CoursesBIOGD: Genetics & DevelopmentBIOMI: MicrobiologyBIOMS: Bio Medical ScienceBIONB: Neurobiology & BehaviorBIOPL: Plant BiologyBTRY: Biometry & StatisticsCOMM: CommunicationCSS: Crop & Soil SciencesDSOC: Development SociologyEDUC: EducationENTOM: EntomologyFDSC: Food ScienceHORT: Horticulture SciencesIARD: Intl Agriculture & Rural DevLA: Landscape ArchitectureNTRES: Natural ResourcesPLBR: Plant BreedingPLPA: Plant PathologySEA: Sea Education AssociationSNES: Science of Natural & Envir SysTOX: ToxicologyVIEN: Viticulture and EnologyLast Updated: 2010-06-04 21:20:51